Order Confirmation

Dear Customer, thank you for ordering from SwissTropicals! Your transaction has been completed, and a receipt for your purchase is being emailed to you by PayPal. You may log into your account at www.paypal.com to view details of this transaction.

Please, make sure your address in PayPal is current and include your apartment or suite number if applicable. For commercial locations, please make sure you include the business name. Email me if you have questions or your address in PayPal is outdated.

Folded foam will take 1-2 days to recover its shape, so lay it on a flat surface. Corners pushed in by shrink wrapping can be gently pulled back into shape by hand. Cutting Poret® is simple: a very sharp large knife and dry wall ruler are all you need!Poret cutting tools

Once your shipment has been prepared, Stamps.com or UPS will send you a shipment notification. Note that the notification email is sent to the email address in your PayPal profile and the package will ship to your profile address. Please, check your spam folder for emails from “auto-notify@ups.com” or “No-Reply@stamps.com” and add these addresses to your approved senders.

Thank you again for your trust in our products and services. Please refer to complete Terms and Conditions.

Sincerely, Stephan M. Tanner, Ph.D., Owner SwissTropicals, LLC

Last modified: May 12, 2023 at 7:17 pm